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Killer Clown
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Killer Clown
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Killer Clowns -15 Shots

sku# M652
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Killer Clown Performance: $20 bucks at other stores! Our premium 200g cake assortment with triangle shape at 15 shots per each. New effect silk ball & winter sweet! A: Red palm tail up to red silk ball, green palm tail up to green silk ball. B: Brocade crown tail up to brocade crown to chrysanthemum, brocade crown tail up to ti-gold palm to chrysanthemum. C:Gold palm tail up to crackling willow chrysanthemum with green strobe, gold palm tail up to red/green wintersweet. OR buy individually for $14.99

  • special effects: Brocade Crown
  • special effects: Chrysanthemum Breaks
  • Color: Gold
  • Color: Red
  • Duration: 35 Secs


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